Welcome to the Holly Seventh-day Adventist Church, in Holly Michigan. We are a Christian family community of children, young families, singles and seniors, with programs to make everyone feel welcome and loved. We so want to share Jesus with you and have you be a part of the Body of Christ in our church family. Please join us for Bible study, worship, vespers, community service and prayer. To learn more about us and what we believe you can visit our 'About' page and/or contact the pastor with any questions.
Pastor Daniel Ferraz - dferraz@misda.church
Holly SDA Church - 248 634 8371
Join Us:
Sabbath (Saturday) Service times:
Sabbath School: 9:30 am
Worship Service: 10:50 am
Vespers Service: 7:00 pm - Informal family worship & testimonies of God's love and transforming power.
Midweek Bible Study/Prayer Meeting:
- Wednesday: 7:00 pm
Livestream Now:
Find us on facebook: www.facebook.com/HollySDA